APPLICATIONS FOR 2022 UD-UED SCHOLARSHIPS ARE OPEN NOW The University of Danang – University of Science and Education would like to call for applications for 2022 UD-UED scholarships from students and staff of partners as follows: Applications open: on November 1st, 2021 Applications close: - Spring course: by 15/12/2021 - Fall course: by 30/7/2022 Scholarships: Scholarships include: - 50% tuition fee for Vietnamese Language course (If the applicants having not met the required level of Vietnamese Language proficiency commit themselves to obtaining the Vietnamese Language proficiency Certificate level 4 and register to take undergarduate and post graduate programs at The University of Danang – University of Science and Education ); - 50% tuition fee for undergarduate and post graduate programs; - 50% dormitory fee (if any). Training programs: The scholarships are for the following programs:
Eligibility Criteria To be eligible to apply for the scholarships, you must - be a staff/ student at partner institutions; - be recommended by partner institutions; - have graduated from high school for undergraduate programs; completed a university degree for master's programs and master's degree for PhD programs; - have GPA score of at least 7.0 (on a 10 point scale of) or 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Required documents The required documents in English include: - Motivation letter; - Recommnendation letter. - Curriculum vitae (for applicants applying for master's and PhD programs); - Highest diploma/degree and transcript; - Scan of passport; - Vietnamese Language proficiency Certificate (if any); - Evidence of achievements in science, art or sports (if any). How to apply: - Step 1: Applicants submit soft copies of required documents via email; - Step 2: The Council of the University of Danang – University of Science and Education will organize the selection meeting based on the priority criteria and notify the results to the applicants. + Spring course: by 15/01/2022 + Fall course: by 30/8/2022 - Step 3: The applicants who are accepted for the scholarship complete the registration procedure according to the regulations of the University of Danang – University of Science and Education. Contact For further information, please contact Department of Science and International Cooperation, the University of Danang – University of Science and Education via email: Source: UED website
NukeViet using 2 versioning schemes:
I. By numbers (technical purposes):
Structure for numbers is:
1.Major: Major up-date. Probably not backwards compatible with older version.
2.Minor: Minor change, may introduce new features, but backwards compatibility is mostly...